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So you make an appointment with a Nutritionist. Then what? Are you forced to give up everything you love to eat forever? What if you don’t even like kale?  HELP!


Here’s what actually happens.  You will learn to incorporate nutritious eating into your already existing eating habits, and then you’re going to poop.   And then we are going to talk about it. (Not even kidding).


Here’s the thing about your Digestive System. It’s designed to use up the nutrients you need and then eliminate the rest. If it’s not functioning properly, neither are you.  Focusing on your digestive system can heal almost all ailments in your life.   

Your body is functioning best when all the essential nutrients are incorporated into your day.  I’m talking Protein, Fat, Carbs, Vitamins, Minerals, Water and Fibre.


When all of these nutrients are present, you feel awesome. When they are lacking you feel tired and irritable.  In fact, you could be eating food that is decreasing your energy rather than increasing it. 


Erin Chafe
Demystifies What a Nutritionist Does

Erin Chafe is a Holistic Nutritionist and Owner of
Healthy Blossom

Nutritionists act as your tour guide through the digestive system.  Gross.  But by working with clients and introducing positive eating habits, great lifestyle changes are made.  


You will not turn into a chickpea, I promise.


Nutritionists understand that food determines mood, sleep, skin, hair, energy and even relationships.  Sometimes the solutions are complex and sometimes as simple as eating at the right times of day.


Figuring this out and turning it into a course of action is what a Nutritionist does.  (Well this and talking about poop).

Stay in the Wellness Loop | Health and Wellness Articles

© 2016 by Two Ravens Communications Inc.



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All the information in the Wellness Directory and Business Profiles has been submitted and paid for by the advertiser. nor the Wellness Guide 2016 do not, in any way, endorse claims made by any advertiser or contributing writer.

© 2018 by Two Ravens Communications Inc.

Design:  Arlene Mercer-Peddigrew

Marketing:  Sandy Mercer

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